The Future of Work and Contingent Labor [VIDEO]

In this 5-minute segment from the April 14, 2021 webinar, “Scaling with an Extended Workforce, Today and Tomorrow,” panelists Irene Koulianos of VectorVMS and Kevin Leete of Atrium discuss how the extended workforce will continue to evolve in the coming years. Moderated by Christopher Dwyer of Ardent Partners, Irene and Kevin explore themes such as flexibility, diversity, and technology for businesses that use contingent and gig economy workers. 

Watch the full webinar here


Meet the Expert
Irene Koulianos – Program Manager

Irene Koulianos brings a decade of experience in contingent labor staffing and recruitment to her role as Program Manager. She helps new and existing clients to develop best-fit vendor management solutions for their contingent labor programs. This includes product demonstrations, completing bids, and supporting the product team with roadmap initiatives. In addition to this primary role, she is passionate about building eLearning solutions for clients, partners, and internal VectorVMS staff leveraging Learning Technologies Group products. Prior to joining VectorVMS, Irene worked for large international staffing organizations as well as smaller boutique IT recruitment firms. She has a deep understanding of the contingent workforce landscape which helps her create meaningful solutions for her clients. Connect with her on LinkedIn.